Sunday, March 06, 2005 AD

Serendipity Beer 4 of 4

Serendipity Beer 4 of 4
Originally uploaded by Terrible_Swede.
Here's what the fine print says: Aventinus. The wheat-dopplebock of Bavaria has been known to the most intense and complex wheat beer in the world. This was the case in the past, but not anymore...Recently, Hans-Peter Drexler, brewmaster at G. Schneider and Sohn. Heard stories about some extra special Aventinus resulting from a partial freezing during a cold winter transport in the 1930s. He decided to recreate this classic "mistake" to further concentrate Aventinus in a modern controlled facility. Thus, the Aventinus Eiisbock was reborn prost! (Signed) George VI Schneider, 6th Generation Brewer.
Note that each beer is numbered. Courtesy of me.


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